Other cruises

  • Bhaya Legend Cruises

    Bhaya Legend Cruises

    Public rate: 550USD / pax
    Hot price FROM: 300USD / pax

    Welcome to Halong Bhaya Legend private junks in Halong, the cruises offer the luxury services and accommodation that will bring ...

  • Halong Valentine Cruises

    Halong Valentine Cruises

    Public rate: 455USD / pax
    Hot price FROM: 270USD / pax

    Halong Valentine Cruise will be the best choice if you are lover or on wedding anniversary and holiday. The cruise ...

Halong Private Cruises

Private junks & cruises in Halong bay with the best choice for your private vacation in Halong bay. Vietnam tonkin travel will take you to where you want & bring you a romantic cruise trip...

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